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Before any massage treatment, avoid large meals or alcohol. It's also a good idea to drink plenty of water, which will help your body to flush the toxins out of your body.

You should always tell your therapist in advance if you:

  • are, or think you might be, pregnant

  • have any medical conditions or are receiving any treatment or medication

  • have recently had an injury or operation

  • are allergic to anything, particularly skin allergies

  • have any broken skin or sores on your scalp

  • have a fever or infection this may affect the kind of oil and treatment you receive.

Contraindications are conditions in which, for your safety, a massage can not be administered. It is extremely important to notify your massage therapist if you have or are experiencing one or any the following:

TOTAL Contraindication, is when a massage should and can not be performed at all on a an individual


If you have or are experiencing  any of the following conditions, for your safety and well-being, please do not book a massage:


Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem

Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication

Recent operations or acute injuries


Skin diseases




LOCAL Contraindication,  is when massage can be performed on an individual,  but not over the contraindicated areas (areas in which can not receive the massage).


You can receive a massage but not over any areas affected by any of the following. Again, it is for your safety:

Varicose veins

Undiagnosed lumps or bumps






Undiagnosed pain

Inflammation, including arthritis



MEDICAL Contraindication, is, when a massage can only be performed once medical permission has been granted (a medical note from the individual's physician releasing clearance for the individual receive a massage, that it is safe to do so). Sometimes, due to a medical condition, it might be questioned if receiving a massage will benefit the individual or not, and a medical clearance is required for the individual's safety.


If an individual is suffering from any of the following conditions, they can only receive a massage once it has been approved, before your session, in writing by your Physician.

Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions)

Any condition already being treated by a medical practitioner.


Psoriasis or eczema

High blood pressure



Nervous or psychotic conditions

Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers



Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves

Gynecological infections

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