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Ear Candling

An Alternative Aide For

Ear Health

Ear Candling is a safe and simple non-invasive natural relaxing cleansing method, which uses long hollow ear candles to extract earwax and other debris, such as pollen, from the ear canal. Experts say that ear candling improves mental clarity and balances fluids that may cause headaches, migraines and sinus infections.

Benefits of Ear Candling:

  • improve sense of smell

  • relief of swimmer’s ear

  • reduce ear pain

  • equalize pressure in the ear

  • reduces stress and tension

  • improve lymphatic fluid flow

  • ease discomfort with allergies

Ear coning is simply therapy to clear the respiratory system:

It helps sinuses clear
It helps drain lymph glands
It vacuums off nerve endings in the ear canal

It vacuums out the Eustachian tubes.
A wonderful side effect is deep relaxation…it stimulates the anti stress acupuncture point in the auditory canal.


You see its effect on hyper active kids as well as adults. Coning will also help the body move out excess wax deposits.


How does Ear Coning Work?

It is believed as the candle burns, gentle warm smoke is drawn into the ear canal that softens and loosens ear wax, and other debris, which is then gently pulled into the unburned portion of the candle.


Is ear candling for everyone?

No ! You should not have ear candling performed if you have any damage to the eardrum, ear tubes, congenital hearing loss, a current ear infection, or recent surgical procedures to the ear.  


Will ear candling cure an ear infection?

Ear candling is a preventative measure intended to help keep your ears healthy. If you suspect that you have an inner ear infection, we recommend that you see your doctor. Ear candling is not intended to replace medical treatment and can be dangerous on un-healthy ears.


What can I expect after an ear candling session?

You may feel a bit of pressure in your ears for a short time following a session. This is normal. It is also recommended that you not fly or get fluid in your ears for 24 hours after a candling session.


How often should I have ear candling done?

It’s good to do the procedure two to four times a year. If you feel like you may be coming down with a cold you should ear candle right away! This aids the immune system in healing.


Is ear candling painful?

Not at all; in fact, many report the experience is surprisingly relaxing and soothing. You may hear crackling and popping sounds during your session - this is normal, and not uncomfortable.


Can children and toddlers be ear candled?

Absolutely! Everyone can enjoy and benefit from this procedure.


Can I ear candle myself at home?

You should always have someone knowledgeable about ear candling perform this procedure for you, as the flame could be hazardous if not properly managed.

*Ear Candling should not be done in the following situations:*

recent ear surgery

cysts in the ear

mastoiditis in its acute phase

ear drains (tubes)

recent ear injury or damage to the ear drum

artificial ear drums

tumors of the ear

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