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What Is Fascia

Fascia is the body’s connective tissue - our connective tissue. It's all over our body even in our head and in our toes, it's an interwoven system of our body. Our very first cells of life are fascia and we literally grow within our fascial structure, it's like how a butterfly forms inside a cocoon. Fascia is much more than just connective tissue!

Fascia is its own system, where it has its own fluid flowing through it, and has the ability to change it's state and structure. This unique connective tissue a communication system and it communicates 3x faster than our body's nervous system. For more detailed information and evidence regarding Fascia and it's complex communication system please click on the link to learn more.

There Are 4 Types Of Fascia

Structural Fascia -

Structural Fascia are the long lines of thicker, denser fascia that run throughout the body in variable directions. Some of these lines can run from the tips of our toes to the brow bone, from thumb to thumb, from inside to out and sometimes spiral through the body. Structural Fascia  fibers have the ability to contract, they can relax and stretch, just like muscles.  Structural Fascia has the ability to pull the skeleton and it's surrounding structures out of alignment. Where all Structural Fascia crosses, it has the capability of jamming and adhering joints, including structures of the vertebral column. 

Inter-Structural Fascia -

Inter-Structural Fascia is the cobweb-like fascia found within the body. The Inter-Structural Fascia of muscles contracts, relaxes and stretches with the muscle fibers.  Inter-Structural Fascia also penetrates and surrounds our brain, organs, cartilage, blood vessels, nerves and literally every system of our body. The Inter-Structural Fascia is highly adhesive - it sticks. When this type of fascia adheres, it can stick to other fascial fibers within the structure, the fibers of a single structure, as well as sticking two or more structures together. This adhesive process interrupts the function of the structures.

Visceral Fascia -

Visceral fascia 's structure and quality is like Jell-O and is most always found in the abdominal cavity of our body. Visceral fascia is the only fascia that can change it's properties as it has been stated in          “Strolling Beneath the Skin”. Visceral fascia interacts with all of the structures including the other types of fascia inside the “blank spaces of the body”. Visceral Fascia is extremely protective in nature and when tight, will restrict all of the functions of the adjoining structures.

Spinal Fascia -

Inter-Structural Fascia, Structural Fascia, and Visceral Fascia are found inside and around our spine. The Spinal Fascia is like a protective fibrously dense casing that resembles a straw, and is encased protetivley around the spinal cord. The other types of fascia connect to this straw-like casing and burst out like sunbeams through the abdominal cavity. Understanding how to impact this deep fascia can dramatically aid in the treatment of back pain related to the narrowing of this column.

Say goodbye to unwanted cellulite !! Cellulite is not a FAT proble, it is a connective tissue problem. FASCIA treatments are very similar to dry brushing, but for the inside layers out

of body. These treatments are much more aggressive and they are 100% effective no matter how big or small you are! Everyone is addressing skin and fat, when cellulite is a FASCIA problem, not a FAT problem! With the help of FASCIA treatments, a healthy diet and excercise, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite to a bare minimum,,, or nothing at all.

Book your next appointment today and start feeling and start looking great!

Benefits of FASCIA Treatment

Lessen the Look of Cellulite :

When fascia is tight, it pulls down on the fascial sheath below the skin.

Fascial adhesions look like a chain link fence. When fat is present, it pushes

through the fascia like a marshmellow pushing through a chain link fence.

This causes a dimpled and puckered effect.

FASCIA Treatments:

  • Breaks up fascial adhesions

  • Smooths out the fascial sheath below the skin

  • Allows the body to take a more natural form

  • Fat does not push through “dimpled sheath”

  • Appearance of cellulite diminished or lessened

  • Skin looks more vibrant

  • Muscle definition shows through

Better Blood Flow :

When fascia is tight, it restricts blood flow. Little veins and arteries flow through

the fascia delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Fascia is so adhesive that it

can block blood flow entirely to certain area, cause swelling in others, or just make

it harder for blood to pump.

FASCIA Treatments:

  • Opens and loosens the fascia

  • Releases the blood to flow naturally

  • Oxygen and nutrients get to the cells more efficiently

  • Workouts are more effective through “pump”

  • Cardiac output is increased

  • Inflammation reduced

  • Better blood pressure

  • Less brain fog

Better Definition and Nerve Activity :

When fascia is tight, it restricts the nerve signal. Nerves are the messengers that send

signals from the brain to the muscles. When the signal is interrupted, or choked out, the

muscle output is lessened. Fascia also can encase muscles, not allowing the cuts to show

through. If you are big enough, you can actually outgrow your fascia and limit the size

of muscle growth.

FASCIA Treatments:

  • Opens and loosens fascia allowing full nerve signal

  • Improves the muscles response to activity

  • Causes muscles to fire harder and more efficiently

  • Allows the fascia to lay in the cuts and grooves of muscle definition

  • Allows for full growth potential

  • Improves sports performance

  • Increases flexibility

  • Great to use as a pre-event nerve stimulator

Pain and Orthopedics :

When fascia is tight, it can torque and tighten joints and is often a pre curser to more

serious issues such as strains, ligament problems, back pain, swelling, limited range of

motion and more. Overall tight fascia can cause head aches, full body aches and rob

us of vitality.

FASCIA Treatments:

  • Instantly reduces pain

  • Allows joints to function properly

  • Increases flexibility

  • Releases tension

  • Breaks up scar tissue

  • Minimizes inflammation

  • Allows for joint alignment and space

Seven Phases Of Fascia "Freak Out"

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