Services and Specialties
Services and Specialties
Potpourri Massage
What is the Potpourri Massage:
A Potpourri Massage is simply a massage on ones' abdomen to assist with constipation. Constipation can be painful and uncomfortable. Abdominal massage treatment can help to reeducate the muscles that control bowel movements and reduce symptoms of constipation and generalized pelvic and abdominal pain.
Can a massage help with Constipation:
Constipated can occur if your bowel movements are difficult
or happen less than 3 times per week. You can treat most mild cases of constipation with lifestyle changes, as well as with an abdominal massages.
If your bowel movements become less frequent (fewer than three times per week) or are difficult to pass, you may be experiencing constipation. This decrease in bowel movements can last for several weeks or longer. Sometimes your stools can be hard and dry and very painful to pass.
Regular massages can relieve constipation by helping you release gas and waste products. Massage can also help treat any underlying or accompanying conditions, for example, a regular massage can reduce stress and in turn reduce pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
Abdominal massages (Potpourri Massage) is essential as well as beneficial for constipation. Research has shown that abdominal massage is/can be effective in treating chronic constipation. Studies have found it can increase the frequency of bowel movements, decrease colonic transit time and relieve pain and discomfort. Abdominal massages have also shown to stimulate the muscle contractions that help pass a bowel movement in people with postsurgical ileus. This is a temporary lack of movement of the intestines that can lead to an intestinal obstruction.