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Services and Specialties
Services and Specialties
Sciatic Nerve Treatment
What is Sciatic Nerve and what are the pain symptoms
Symptoms o to look out for sciatica nerve are but are not limited to pain that begins in your back or buttock and radiates down your leg and it may move into your foot. Someone with Sciatic Nerve may experience weakness and/or tingling as well as numbness in the leg.
Here are some symptoms
* Sitting
* Standing for a long time
* Walking
* Lying down
* Movements that extend the spine
* Movements that cause the spine to flex may
make symptoms worse
Managing Sciatic Nerve Pain and how to relieve pain from the sciatic nerve
How Is Sciatic Nerve Pain
Manageble at home.
Avoid sitting if possible (unless you find it is more comfortable than standing).
Alternating lying down with short walks . Increase your walking distance as you are able to without pain.
On Sciatic Nerve Treatments:
Please note that results for Sciatic Nerve Treatment vary from patient to patient. No treatment and patient are alike, therefore results vary.
Sciatic Nerve Treatment might/usually requires more than one session, depending on the severity of the nerve
Sciatic Nerve Treatment is not a 1 time quick fix. Please understand that Sciatic Nerve doesn't just simply act up out of nowhere, it slowly builds up over time. It might take 30 days to months to if not longer for the person to realize/be diagnosed with Sciatic Nerve. Treatment sessions are recommended to fully stabilize the nerve and routine sessions are also recommended once the nerve is stabilized to ensure no further flareup.
Sciatic Nerve Treatment is unfortunately a painful session. It is painful, for the session consists of treating the Sciatic Nerve directly through your glutes (your butt area) with deep pressure/techniques. Unfortunately there is no other way to address the Nerve, other than the glute area. Once after completing a session, the pain level will rise (but this is NORMAL) and the area will be inflamed for up to 48 hours (this too is NORMAL). This is the body's healing mechanism. The reason why it hurts more is that I address the concern/issue at the root of the problem, which is an area that hasn't been addressed. So by addressing it, it flares up and hurts more, but again for no more than 48 hours. Once the allowed time has passed, the pain and inflammation have lessened and you will feel the difference.
FOR MAXIMUM results, it is vitally important to conduct self-care at home while in between your treatment sessions. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Sciatic Nerve, and 1 session a month will not give you the results that you are seeking. Depending on how bad the nerve pain is, depends on the treatment plan. BUT self-care is critical in order for maximum results. We can advise you on stretches that you can do at home and even show you some during your session time, but without self-care, the results may vary from little to none.
Lower back pain (Sciatica Nerve, Herniated Disk) - It's causes, symptoms and treatment
Treatments, Maintenance & Consent for Treatment:
Please note that for maximum results we recommend a few option treatments to treat Sciatic Nerve that an individual can choose when booking and treating Sciatic Nerve - Options will be determined and advised by the therapist at the end of the initial visit/ assessment.
Option 1: A person, initially treating Sciatic Nerve Syndrome can be seen and treated 2 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks - this consistency in treatments will reduce the inflammation and assist in increasing the blood and oxygen to the nerve that was deprived - at the end of the 4 week treatment - there will be an assessment to determine how often treatments will need to be scheduled for maintenance and avoid further flare ups.
Option 2: A person, initially treating Sciatic Nerve Syndrome can be seen and treated 1 time per week for 4 consecutive weeks - this consistency in treatments will reduce the inflammation and assist in increasing the blood and oxygen to the nerve that was deprived - at the end of the 4 week treatment - there will be an assessment to determine how often treatments will need to be scheduled for maintenance and avoid further flare ups.
Each Sciatic Nerve treatment individual and plan is carefully determined and is a case-by-case scenario and by its severities.
Prior to your initial Sciatic Nerve Treatment/Session, a Consent/Waiver form will need to be completed and submitted (This form is a separate form to your Initial Intake Form - This form is specifically giving consent to treat your Sciatic Nerve pain/symptoms and needs to be completed prior to any treatment. Below is the link to the form that can be completed and submitted online:
Sciatic Nerve Waiver/Consent Form: Formulário de Renúncia/Consentimento do Nervo Ciático: Formulario de Consentimiento/Exención del Nervio Ciático:
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